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Nominations and Applications accepted from March 1, 2025 until July 31, 2025 12:00 AM US Pacific Time

Thank you for your interest in The Sigourney Award-2025. 

In accordance with Mary Sigourney’s wishes, The Sigourney Award 2025 recognizes and rewards groundbreaking work that advances psychoanalytic principles, thought, or practice conducted within the most recent 10 years (2015-2024). Mary Sigourney established the award's vision: promote the development and application of psychoanalytic thought to enrich the human experience for the better. Mary Sigourney further states that the Trust's mission is rewarding outstanding work throughout the world that has advanced psychoanalytic thought, principles, and practice.

We encourage applications from anyone conducting groundbreaking work anywhere in the world and in any language supported by Google Translate. (Please select the language by clicking on the translate button on the left, just above your name.) Please note that the evaluation of submissions will mainly be conducted in English using Google Translate, except when a judge is multilingual.

Award-worthy work may belong to a wide variety of fields. Work will be assessed in terms of one or more of these criteria:

  • advancing The Sigourney Award's vision and mission

  • enriching psychoanalytic thought, techniques, applications, practices, or institutions

  • enhancing the cultural and social impact of psychoanalysis

  • facilitating collaborations or dialogues between psychoanalysis and another discipline

  • creating work in any form of art that resonates with or casts a new light upon psychoanalysis, in any of its aspects

  • expanding the reach of psychoanalytic principles, treatment, or thought generally, or in a specific region, group, or cultural context

  • increasing positive public awareness of psychoanalytic principles



There are three application categories: individual, team, or organization. Each category describes how the work being submitted for the award was produced. All Applicants must complete an application, including those who have been nominated. The completed application should clearly communicate what is outstanding or innovative about the applicant/nominee’s recent work and articulate that work’s impact. Each question is intended to facilitate the judges’ understanding of the work’s contribution to one or more of the criteria above. 

    Link to Individual Applicant - work conducted by a sole individual.

    Link to Team Applicant - work conducted by a group of individuals, or a committee within an organization.

    Link to Organization Applicant - work conducted for or by a for-profit or not-for-profit organization. 



    A Nominator is a person who proposes the work of an individual, team, or organization for The Sigourney Award.

    Link to Letter of Nomination Form - Nominators answer a series of questions about the work’s impact in the format of a letter. The Letter of Nomination and a request to complete an application is forwarded to a Nominee.

    Nominee - The Nominee is responsible for completing an application using the application link in the Nominator's email. The link will include the Letter of Nomination for the Nominee to read before completing the application.


    Definition of Roles

    • Applicant or Nominee – Individuals, teams, or organizations may apply directly, or they may be nominated by a third party. Nominees complete the same process as any other applicant.

    • Nominator – A person who proposes the work of an individual, team, or organization by answering a series of questions about the work’s impact in the format of a letter. Nominators and Supporters respond to the same series of questions. 

    • Application Collaborators – Anyone the primary applicant adds to the application, who can then contribute to the application (team members, organization members, nominators, or supporters).

    • Supporter – A person who answers a series of questions about the work’s impact in the format of a letter. Nominators and Supporters respond to the same series of questions.